Section 3.2

3. 研究発表

3.2 原子炉機器工学研究部門

  1. T.Yamada, T.Uchimoto, K.Miya, Y.Nakamura: Application of HTSC Coils for Mitigation of VDE during a Major Disruption, Proc. 20th Symp. on Fusion Technology (SOFT98), Marseille, France, Sep.7-11, 1998, p.599-622.
  2. 山田智海、内一哲哉、宮 健三、中村幸治: 高温超電導体VDE抑制シミュレーション, 第10回「電磁力関連のダイナミックス」シンポジウム 講演論文集p.383-386.
  3. T.Yamada, T.Uchimoto, K.Miya, Y.Nakamura: The Use of High Tc Superconducting Coils for Plasma Stabilizaing and VDE Mitigation, Abstr. of Japan-Burugalia Joint Seminar.
  4. 出町和之、杉山浩隆、高瀬健太郎、宮 健三: HTSC-FD 法によるBi-2212単結晶の電磁現象シミュレーション, 第10回「電磁力関連のダイナミックス」シンポジウム 講演論文集 p. 215-216.
  5. 出町和之, 杉山浩隆, 高瀬健太郎, 宮健三: 磁束量子動力学法によるBi2212単結晶の非線形電磁特性のシミュレーション, 第58回1998年度春季低温工学・超電導学会講演概要集, p.167
  6. K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase, K.Miya,: Numerical Simulation of AC field effects in Bi2212 by the Fluxoid Dynamics Method, Abstr. of 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Nov.16-19 (1998), Fukuoka, Japan, p.110.
  7. K.Demachi, K.Takase, H.Sugiyama and K.Miya: Fluxoid Dynamics Method and its Application, Proc. of 5th Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics in Materials and Computational Technology, Sep.24-26 (1998), Budapest, Humgary p. 137-140.
  8. K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase and K.Miya: Mesoscopic Simulatoin of Electromagnetic Phenomena inBSCO Single Crystal under AC Magnetic Field, Proc. of 3rd Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Non-linear Engineering Systems and Related Phenomena, Sep.27-30 (1998), Bratislava, Slovak Republic p. 44-45.
  9. K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase and K.Miya: Numerical Simulation of AC losses of Bi2212 Single Crystal by theFluxoid Dynamics Method, Proc. 8th International IGTE Symposium, Sep.21-23(1998), pp.127, Graz, Austria.
  10. K.Demachi, S.Shindo, K.Takase, K.Miya: A Study on the Relaxation of Levitation Property in an HTSC Magnetic Bearing, Proc. 8th International IGTE Symposium, Sep. 21-23 (1998), 550-553 Graz, Austria.
  11. 山田智海、内一哲哉、宮 健三: 高温超電導トカマク炉の炉心設計, 第2回核融合エネルギー連合講演会予稿集, June. 1-2 (1998), p.187
  12. 内一哲哉、吉田義勝、宮 健三: 高温超電導トカマク炉の概念設計, 第7回MAGDAコンファレンス(電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス),講演論文集, pp.129-132福山大学, Apr.24-25 (19998)
  13. W.Cheng, K.Miya, K.Demachi: Inversion of Crack Shape with ECT Data, Proc. of Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop, (1998) p.70
  14. T.Uchimoto, K.Miya, Y.Yoshida and T.Yamada: Design of Tokamak Plasma with High Tc Superconducting Coil, Proc. of 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan (1999), IAEA-F1-CN-69-FTP-09
  15. R.Shimizu, S.shindo, K.Demachi, K.Miya: An Evaluation of Levitation Property in High Tc Superconducting Magnetic Bearing System Including Ferromagnetic Materials, Proceedings of KSEEE'98, Aug. 6-7, 1998, Nairobi, Kenya, 180-182
  16. 清水 良太、新藤 理、出町 和之、宮 健三: 強磁性材料を含む高温超電導磁気軸受における浮上特性の評価, 日本原子力学会「1998秋の年会」予稿集(1998, 日本原子力学会) p. 123.
  17. R.Shimizu, S.Shindo, K.Demachi and K.Miya: An Evaluation of Levitation Property in HTSC Magnetic Bearing Device Including Ferromagnetic Materials, Abstr. of 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Nov. 16-19 (1998), Fukuoka, Japan p.197.
  18. Y.Luo,S.Shindo, K.Miya: Mechanical Characteristics in High Tc Superconducting Magnetic Bearings, Proceedings of The Second Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics, May 12-13 ,1998,Tokyo, Japan, p193-198.
  19. 新藤 理、清水 良太、出町 和之、宮 健三: 交流磁場下での高温超電導磁気軸受の浮上特性の評価, 第59回 1998年度秋季低温工学・超電導学会 講演概要集 p.2
  20. O. Mihalache, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya: The Effect of the Superconductor Saddle Coils on the Plasma Stability in Vertical Direction, The Second Japanese-Romanian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Nov.16-18 (1998), Kiryu, Gunma, Japan, p. 56.
  21. O. Mihalache, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya: New Configuration of High Tc Superconducting Coils for Stabilizing Plasma, 日本原子力学会 「1998秋の年会」予稿集(1998, 日本原子力学会) p. 121.
  22. 杉山 浩隆、出町 和之、高瀬 健太郎、宮 健三:磁束量子動力学法による高温超電導体の磁化の評価, 第7回MAGDAコンファレンス(電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス)講演論文集 p.71-74.
  23. H.Sugiyama, K.Demachi, K.Takase, K.Miya: Evaluation of Magnetization of High Tc Superconductor by The Fluxoid Dynamics Method, Proceedings of The Second Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics, Tokyo, Japan, May 12-13, 1998 p.48.
  24. W.Cheng, K.Miya, Z.Chen: Reconstruction of Cracks with Multiple ECT Coils Using a Database Approach, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (III), 1998, P241-252.
  25. W.Cheng, Z.Chen, K.Miya: Reconstruction of a 3-D Crack from ECT signals by Approach of Database,第7回MAGDAコンファレンス(電磁現象および電磁力に関するコンファレンス)講演論文集, p.103-106.
  26. W.Cheng, Z.Chen, K. Miya: Reconstruction of Multiple Cracks from ECT Signals Using a Database Approach, The second Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics
  27. W.Cheng, K.Miya, Z.Chen, Reconstruction of Cracks with ECT Data, Abstr. of Japan-Burugalia Joint Seminar
  28. R.C. Popa, K. Miya: Statistical Inverse Mapping in ECT Based on a Shifting Aperture Approach, Abstr. E'NDE'98 Workshop, Sep.18-20(1998), Chatou, France
  29. R.C.Popa, K. Miya: A Data Processing and Neural Network Approach for the Inverse, Problem in ECT, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS Press, Vol. 14, 297-304, (1998).
  30. R.C.Popa, K. Miya: Approximate Inverse Mapping in ECT, Based on Aperture Shifting and Neural Network Regression, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.17, No.4. 209-221 (1998).
  31. R.C.Popa, K. Miya:Statistical Inverse Mapping in ECT Based on a Shifting Aperture, Approach, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, IOS Press, Vol. 15, 77-88, (1999).
  32. K.Takase, K.Demachi and K.Miya: Numerical Simulation of Fluxoid Dynamics in High Tc superconductor, Abstracts of the 2nd Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics, p. 49
  33. 高瀬健太郎,出町和之,宮健三: 磁束量子動力学法による超電導体臨界電流密度の予測, 第58回 1998年度春季低温工学・超電導学会 講演概要集p.170
  34. K.Takase, K.Demachi, K.Miya: Numerical simulation of fluxoid dynamics in high Tc superconductor, 1998 International Workshop on Superconductivity (programed by ISTEC), 1998 International Workshop on Superconductivity, p. 240-241.
  35. K.Takase, K.Demachi,K.Miya: Numerical simulation of fluxoid dynamics in low Tc and high Tc supercunductors Cryogenics, vol. 38 (1998), 197-203.
  36. M.Rabara, T. Takeuchi, K. Miya: Systematic study of angular hysteresis of critical current density in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu30x tapes, Physica C 313 (1999) 213-8.
  37. M.Rabara, Y.Yoshida, T.Takeuchi, P.Miranovic, K.Miya, Irreversibility field analysis for Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes by using axial probe., Physica C 305 (1998), 285-292
  38. 吉田義勝、M.Rabara, 宮 健三: Bi-2223高温超電導テープ材臨界電流密度の磁場方向依存性、低温工学、Vol.33 No.6 (1998) p. 15
  39. M.Rabara, Y.Yoshida K.Miya, Al probe design and irreversibility field measurement for Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes, Abstracts of the 2nd Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics, Tokyo, Japan, May. 12-13, (1998) p. 47.
  40. M.Rabara, T.Takeuchi, P.Miranovic, K.Miya, An axial probe design and irreversibility field measurement for Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes, proc. the ISTEC'98, Okinawa, Japan July.12-15, (1998) 238-239.
  41. M. Rabara, H. Kitaguchi, T. Takeuchi, K. Miya,: Bending treatment effect on critical current in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox tapes, Advan. Supercond. 11, proc. of the ISS'98 Fukuoka, Japan Oct.17-19(1999)
  42. 遊佐訓孝、山田智海、内一哲哉、宮健三:高温超電導体によるプラズマ位置不安定性改善, 第2回核融合エネルギー連合講演会予稿集 p.181
  43. N.Yusa, T.Yamada, Y.Fukuzaki, T.Uchimoto, K.Miya: Desin of Small Tokamak Device with High Tc Superconduting, Proceedings of Kenya Society of Elecrical and  Electronic Engineers '98, Aug.6-7(1998) 172-177.
  44. 遊佐訓孝、山田智海、福崎康博、内一哲哉、宮健三:高温超電導体を用いた小型トカマク装置の設計,日本原子力学会「1998秋の年会」予稿集(1998, 日本原子力学会) p. 120.
  45. 福崎康博、遊佐訓孝、内一哲哉、宮 健三: プラズマ安定化用高温超電導コイルの特性評価試験, 日本原子力学会 「1998秋の年会」予稿集(1998, 日本原子力学会) p. 122.
  46. 杉山 浩隆、出町 和之、高瀬 健太郎、宮 健三: 磁束量子動力学法によるBi2212単結晶の磁化のシミュレーション, 1998年度春季低温工学・超電導学会 講演概要集 p.167.
  47. H.Sugiyama, K.Demachi,K.Takase and K.Miya: Simulation of Magnetization of Bi2212 Single Crystal by the Fluxoid Dynamics Method, proc. 1998 International Workshop on Superconductivity, Okinawa, Japan (July 12-15, 1998) p242-243.
  48. H.Sugiyama, K.Demachi,K.Takase and K.Miya: Simulation of Magnetization of Bi2212 Single Crystal by the Fluxoid Dynamics Method, Abstr. of 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity, November 16-19 (1998), Fukuoka, Japan p.121.
  49. J.Sosnowski, K.Miya and T.Uchimoto: Zjawisko nadprzewodnictwa i jego wykorzystanie. Nowe mozliwosci zastosowan nadprzewodnikow wysokotemperaturowych (Superconductivity and its applications. New possibilities of HTC superconductors application),  Elektronizacja Vol. 5 (1999) p. 8-11.